A boy was with his father when he saw his girlfriend coming. D following conversation occured btw d 3 ·Ơ͡f dem;

A boy was with his father when he saw his girlfriend coming. D following conversation occured btw d 3 ·Ơ͡f dem;

BOY: Have you come to collect your book titled; “SPEAK ENGLISH MY DAD DOESN’T UNDERSTAND IT?” by Ngozi Okafor.

Girl: No, I want that our hymns called “WHERE SHOULD I WAIT FOR YOU?”

Boy: I don’t have that one… may be you should take the other one “UNDER THE MANGO TREE” by Crooks.

Girl: Fine but don’t forget to bring “I WILL CALL YOU IN 5 MINS” while coming to school…

Boy: I will also bring this one too, “I WON’T LET YOU DOWN” by Chinua Achebe.

Dad: These are too many, will she read all of them?

Boy: Yes dad, she is very smart.

Dad: Okay, don’t forget to give her the one on the table titled, “I AM NOT STUPID, I UNDERSTOOD EVERYTHING YOU’VE BEEN SAYING” by Shakespeare!
And also d one on d dinning titled IF SHE GETS PREGNANT PREPARE TO GET MARRIED by wole soyinka..  =))•´¨)
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=)) ¸¸.•´=D(¸.•´(¸.• =)). Lol Pls dnt laff alone, share de fun!!!

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