Loss of my wife led me to music — Chimbuiko Akarolo

How do you combine two dissimilar worlds of music and politics?

Perhaps, this is a question only Chimbuiko Akarolo, The Mayor of Portharcourt city could answer. Known as C-Strokes in the music industry, the Mayor has one album to his credit and he is rearing to conquer more in music and politics.

As a widower, with seven children to take care of, a city to run, politics to play and music to make, it seems the world of the Mayor is one big chaos but the man from a royal home in Portharcourt local government sees it as a life. In this interview with Weekend Groove, the Mayor shares his personal story, music, politics among other issues. Excerpts:

What projects are you currently working on?

I just finished a production with the Morgan Heritage. We did a remix of one of my songs titled ‘It’s all about you’. It’s a gospel song. This is in view of my upcoming programme in December, African Music Festival (AMF). We want to start sensitizing people about the aim of this festival which is to donate and support children suffering from Malaria and pregnant women.

When and how did your singing career start?

The event of losing my wife led to my coming out to do music. As a result of the loss, I needed to fill a vacuum and music became my first love. That was in 2011.

We also discovered that you are a political person, talk about your interest in politics?

I’m presently the Mayor of Portharcourt, I oversee the city called Portharcourt. But the Monica-CStrokes is associated with an NGO called Caroline Akarolo (CAF) and it’s basically to raise fund and support children and pregnant mothers, especially those of them who cannot take care of themselves..
Since, I’ve passed through that road , I should help out. When my wife died, I had the choice of taking her overseas, but I believed in our health system and it failed me. I began to imagine how many people were going through the same thing, If you are not comfortable financially and your wife gives birth to twins and then she dies, it is not an easy ordeal to experience.

If you’re not working,how then do you sustain the children?

There should be NGOs, the government can’t do everything. Since I have been blessed, I can extend my benevolence to others. My situation led me into using all that I have to assist others.

How are the kids managing without their mother?

They are doing very fine. A mother’s love is very wonderful, if you don’t have it, you don’t have it. It pains me so much that this is what I have to live with for the rest of my life. I also know they won’t understand what it is because they never had it. Fortunately I had both parents, I enjoyed the love of both my mother and father and they helped shapen me into who I am today. But the kids just have only me doing that, to me, it’s a challenge. Though I’m enjoying it.

What are some of those challenges you face bringing up the kids alone?

I have seven children. I have two sets of twins and three boys. As a father, I remember waking up late at night and rushing off to the hospital at 1.00a.m.. I remember changing diapers. You come into the room and you perceive that childlike smell, it’s fun and wonderful. Sometimes, this one has malaria and that one has sore throat, it gives me great joy nurturing them.

What genre of music do you do and why?

I do reggae. Reggae is for the body, soul and mind. Personally, anything that enables me meditate and contemplate, anything that strikes my inner being and challenges my thought is good music. But anything that only makes my body shake and sweat is not good enough for me. The music we listen to today is for physical exercise and is shallow in content, a lot of dancing and jumping. And after that, what next? I don’t belong to that era of music.

It is believed that reggae artistes are inspired by Bob Marley, hence the dreads and all…?

I’m inspired by Bob Marley’s songs, but I don’t do dreads. Reggae is a thing of the mind, it’s about the message and the instruments. You can decide to copy the person completely or you pick what’s important and discard the rest. For me, the instruments and message is what’s important.
How many albums do you have?
I have one album. I had a single in 2012 and I released an album last year. The single was dedicated to my late wife and the title is Asking for love. I had to ask God for love, I needed something to fill the void. The twelve track album is titled Reality, Love and Life.
Do you have plans to collaborate with other Nigerian artistes?
I’ve done some collaborations with Duncan Mighty and Sinclair. I have


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