Hospital calls firefighters to remove handcuffs from man’s hands after being unable to remove them following sexual encounter

Doctors at an emergency room called the fire department to remove handcuffs that were stuck on a man who had wild sex with his partner, according to firefighters in the United Kingdom.
The Ashford fire service said that they were called to the A&E of the William Harvey Hospital, after doctors were unable to remove the handcuffs that were stuck on the man’s hands.The man, who was not identified, said that he had a wild sexual encounter and decided to use the handcuffs. However, when he was done around 3:00 a.m., he and his partner were unable to remove the handcuffs.

Doctors tried to remove the handcuffs but their efforts failed.

The police were called to check if the man is not a prisoner who escaped custody.

When doctors got the all clear signal from the police, the fire department was called and firefighters removed the handcuffs with a hydraulic power saw.

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