Nuhu Ribadu dumps PDP, rejoins APC

 Read his statement below

I have finally heeded the calls on me to return to the All Progressives
Congress (APC), a party of which I was a founding member.

I re-registered as a member of the APC on Thursday through the party’s
online portal. After that, the leadership of the party in my Bako ward
of Yola South Local Government Area visited me in my Yola residence to
welcome me back to their fold.

My decision to return to the APC was triggered by my
believe that all politics are local. Almost everyone around me, and with
whom we started my political journey believed the time had come for us
to make sacrifices and make concessions. That is in addition to the
unbelievable love that my friends in the APC have showered on me in the
past months.

They demonstrated in words and action that they wanted me back home.

I also did a deep and long reassessment of the circumstances that
warranted my exit from the APC in the first place. I left the APC in
2014 owing to fundamental disagreements with the ways the chapter of the
party in my state was run after it fell into some hands.

Some colleagues and I tried hard to save the then APC administration
from an orchestrated impeachment plot which was unfortunately carried
out with active collaboration of some ranking APC members in the state.

However, events in the last 15 months have addressed many of the issues
and healed some of the wounds. More so, with the genuine and sincere
invitations I received since last year to retrace my steps into the
party, I decided to return after consulting family and political
associates at all levels.

I would like to appreciate all those members of the party who privately
and publicly prodded me to return to the party. My appreciation also
goes to the leadership of our party, from my ward in Bako to the
national leadership, for the enthusiasm they showed in having me back.


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