Robber flees from bank empty handed before crashing getaway car into police cruiser and utility pole


A robber had a very bad day while trying to steal cash from a bank, according to police in New York.

The New York Police Department in Long Island, said that they have
arrested 26-year-old Prince Conteh of Lowell, Massachusetts, after being
accused of trying to rob a Bank of America and crashing his getaway car
into a police cruiser.

Conteh has been charged with first-degree attempted robbery, second-degree assault and criminal use of a firearm.

According to the police investigation, Conteh entered the Bank of
America in Hempstead at about 12:00 p.m., and demanded cash from an

He was armed with a shotgun. The employee refused to allow Conteh to enter the teller area so he left the bank empty-handed.

While driving away from the scene, Conteh crashed his car into a police
cruiser. He kept driving, but hit a utility pole. Conteh jumped out of
the car, dropped the gun and ran, but officers caught him with the help
of pedestrians.

The officer whose patrol car was hit, was taken to a hospital, and treated for neck and back pain.

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