Taxi driver who returned $187,000 left behind by passenger says he’s ‘disappointed’ by $100 reward

Raymond MacCausland, a 72-year-old Boston taxi driver found $187,000 in cash after dropping a man afternoon July 2nd and promptly, in good Samaritan fashion, returned the bulky sum to
the police. He now says he feels disappointed by the $100 reward given
to him.

MacCausland, who has been working
as a taxi driver for 50 years, said the man he carried in his taxi
inherited the cash after living in a homeless shelter for six months.
The money was returned to the unnamed man after police determined he was
the rightful owner.

‘I thought maybe he would give $500 or $1,000, maybe one of those bundles,’ the taxi driver told the New York Daily News .
 ‘I’ve never seen money like that before. It was quite a sight when they dumped it on the table.’ 
He was relieved when police discovered the inheritance paperwork, adding: ‘I know if it wasn’t they’d come looking for me.’
hackney driver exhibited exemplary behavior and his honest deed should
be recognized,’ Police Commissioner William Evans said in a statement.

is not the first time MacCausland has been inadequately rewarded for
his honesty. He once returned a briefcase filled with $10,000 to its
owner who gave him no reward.

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