Documents from the Hillary Clinton email investigation might be made public

A “substantial amount” of material that the FBI delivered to Congress about the Hillary Clinton email investigation including a summary of agents’ interview with top aide Huma Abedin appears to be unclassified, which means it could possibly be released to the public.

Senate Judiciary Committee Chair Charles E. Grassley is calling for Senate officials to separate the classified from the unclassified documents in order to turn over as much information to the public as possible.

Grassley (R-Iowa) said Wednesday that many of the FBI documents appear to be unclassified or are specifically marked as such. He requested that the director of the Office of Senate Security identify and separate the unclassified material so that it might ultimately be released.

“If it isn’t classified, it ought to be public,” Grassley said in an interview.

It is unclear how soon that might happen. Grassley said it might take a significant amount of time to separate classified from unclassified material.

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