‘Malnutrition responsible for underage deaths’

A report by the Civil Society Legislative Advocacy Centre (CISLAC) has said over 53 per cent of children under five years die of malnutrition in Nigeria, especially in the North.
Dr. David Olayemi, consultant to CISLAC in Ibadan, said this while presenting a paper: Current situation of food and nutrition in Nigeria, at a Capacity-Building Workshop for Legislative Reporters on Legislative and Policy Advocacy in Agriculture, Nutrition and Health in Nigeria”
The workshop, which was attended by over 45 journalists in Oyo State, was organised by CISLAC, for civil society groups, media and policy makers on legislative processes and governance, aimed to bridge the gap between legislature and the electorate.
Olayemi, who was represented by the CISLAC’s Senior Programme Officer (MDGs, Gender, Reproductive Health and Anti-corruption), Ms Chioma Kanu, said to address this trend, government should inaugurate a food and nutrition council.

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