Woman sues school for ruining her future career as an actress after suffering knee injury on their track field

A woman in Canada, has filed a lawsuit against her former school because her chances of having a future career as an actress have suffered. 
The lawsuit filed by Tiffany Peters, claims that negligence by staff at the Bramalea Secondary School in Brampton, Ontario, led to a knee injury while she participated in the track team.
Peters claims that the injury led to chronic pain and permanent disability that prevents her from pursuing her aspirations of becoming famous.
After listening to testimony of several doctors, Justice David Edwards of the Superior Court of Justice dismissed the lawsuit, describing her testimony as unreliable and her career dreams as “speculation.”
Justice David Edwards said that her inability to become an actress has more to do with her current weight than with the sports injury sustained 11 years ago. 
The judge also pointed out the Peters did not take any classes or training to continue her prospective career in performing arts.

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