Smart refrigerator streams porn movies at Home Depot

Fridge with selection of Pornhub videos 

A shopper at Home Depot, was surprised to see a smart refrigerator streaming a selection of porn videos, according to a photo that was uploaded to the Internet.

71-year-old John David McAfee, who sought the Libertarian Party nomination for President of the United States, surfed the Internet, when he spotted something strange on a photo of a Home Depot refrigerator.

When he looked closer, McAfee saw a selection of Pornhub videos on the refrigerator’s screen. The incident unfolded on Sunday afternoon.

“The IOT. Do you believe me now? Pornhub on a refrigerator. What, in our current cybersecurity paradigm, accounts for this?” McAfee wrote on Twitter along with a picture of the refrigerator.

The picture went viral on the Internet.

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