5 teenage girls punch 20 women in their faces before stealing their valuables because they wanted money

Five teenage girls were arrested on a charge of robbery after they allegedly assaulted women who were walking alone and stole their belongings, according to police in California.

Oakland police said that they have arrested the 14, 15, and 16-year-old girls following 10 robberies on Monday.

All suspects, who were not identified, face charges of robbery, attempted robbery and possession of stolen property.

According to the police investigation, the teenagers are suspected of targeting women who were walking alone near train stations.

The victims were between 29 and 68 years old. One woman who was punched in the face, fell to the ground as she struggled to hold on to her belongings.

The five girls admitted their involvement in the robberies, saying they wanted money. Police said that the string of robberies began last Friday, and 10 of the alleged crimes occurred on Monday.

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