Porn producer films couple having sex in church prompting pastor to cleanse building with holy water

The porn stars inside the church 

A pastor in the Netherlands, is extremely angry after a porn producer recorded sex scenes in his church.

Father Jan van Noorwegen of the St. Joseph’s Church in Tilburg, said that he is looking to press charges against the film producer and the porn actors who were involved.

The movie was recorded last week, and the pastor shut down the church for several days in order to perform a cleansing procedure.

Noorwegen used holy water to spray the entire facility. The producer has been identified as Peter Visser, who considers himself an atheist.

St Jozef’s church in Tilburg

Porn star Kim Holland said that Visser views the church as just an ordinary place. Holland and Visser underestimated how people would react to the movie.

After Holland received many angry emails and phone calls, they agreed not to distribute the movie, but the church is still pressing charges against them for trespassing among other charges.

Holland has since apologized to the church.

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