President Mohammadu Buhari nominates NDDC members for Imo, Ondo, Abia

President Mohammadu Buhari has forwarded to the names of three new nominees for the board of the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC) to the Senate.

The nominees are to replace the ones from Imo, Ondo and Abia that were earlier rejected by the Senate on the ground that they were not from oil producing communities.

The new nominees are Lucky Omirisan (Ondo), Chuka Amawawa (Imo) and Nwogu N Nwogu (Abia).

Their nomination letter from President Buhari was read on the floor of the Senate on Thursday by the Senate President, Dr. Bukola Saraki.

The Senate had in October 2016, rejected three nominees from the three states, out of a list of 19 nominees forwarded to it by the President.

Those that were rejected were Donatus Enyinnaya (Abia), Osita Izunaso (Imo) and Olatokunboh Ajasin (Ondo).

Enyinnaya and Ajasin were rejected because they were not from oil producing areas of their respective states, while Osita Izunaso voluntarily rejected the nomination.

The Senate has not given any date for the screening of the three nominees.

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