Zamfara police gives bandits two week ultimatum to surrendered illegal arms

Following the increasing crime rate in Zamfara, the State Police Command yesterday issued a two-week ultimatum to bandits, unlawful groups and individuals in possession of fire arms, to surrender them.

The ultimatum was contained in a statement in Gusau,the state capital, by the command’s Public Relations Officer, DSP Muhammad Shehu.

“The ultimatum will commence from today (yesterday), therefore the outlawed groups, especially herders, farmers, yansakai, repentant bandits, vigilante and militia groups, which activities are not in conformity with the laws of the land, should abide by this directives,” Shehu said.

The command said upon expiry of the ultimatum, the ongoing mop-up of small and light weapons would be intensified.

It warned that any person or group arrested in possession of firearms would face the wrath of the law.

The command therefore urged members of the public to cooperate with it and utilize its complaints boxes in sharing the useful Information.

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