546 first batch of Kaduna pilgrims return from Saudi Arabia

At least 546 Muslim pilgrims from Kaduna State, representing the first batch, on Friday returned from Saudi Arabia.

According to the News Agency of Nigeria, the Kaduna State Muslim Pilgrims Welfare Board’s Public Relations Officer, Malam Yunusa Abdullahi, made this known in a statement in Kaduna.

He said that the return journey had started after successful completion of Hajj rites by pilgrims from the state.

According to him, the aircraft landed at Kaduna International Airport early hours of Friday with 546 pilgrims via Max airline.“The pilgrims arrived with their luggage.We thank God for a hitch-free airlift back home,” Abdullahi said.

A total of  3, 546 pilgrims from Kaduna State performed the 2019 Hajj in Saudi Arabia.

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