Governor Masari frees six arrested bandits

Katsina State Governor, Aminu Bello Masari

Katsina State Governor, Aminu Bello Masari, on Tuesday in Government House, released six arrested bandits in compliance with the agreement reached with repented bandits to swap kidnapped victims for the release of arrested bandits

Speaking at the occasion, the Governor said it was part of the ongoing peace dialogue and reconciliation between the state government and commanders of the various bandits groups terrorizing innocent citizens living in the 8 frontline LGAs in the state and also to ensure sustainable peace in the affected communities.

Also while handing over the repentant bandits to their leaders, at the occasion witnessed by the various security chiefs in the state; Governor Masari announced that over twenty people will also be released later in the day by the repentant bandits under their custody, as a reciprocal gesture in line with the agreements earlier reached between both parties.

He said’’ five people including three women that were kidnapped by the bandits were released by them yesterday, hoping that the process will be completed within the next one or two days to give room for the second phase of the peace initiative’’.

The nation recalled that during the ongoing dialogue between the bandits and the state government, held at their strongholds in the 8 frontline local Government areas, the state government and the bandits had exchanged lists of victims in each other’s camps, promising to promptly release them to ensure speedy return of peace in the state

The bandits in further demonstration of the newfound gestures of both sides, also threw open, the farmlands to the various communities in the affected area, promising not to harass or attack any farmer in the rural communities, while their women were guaranteed unfettered access to the market to sell their dairy products.

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