Katsina Government pays N400m NECO fee for Students

The Katsina state Government on Sunday announced the payment of about N400m for students of the state origin preparing to write next year’s May-June school certificate examination to be conducted by the national examination council, NECO

The Secretary to the State Government, Dr Mustapha Inuwa who made the above disclosure while receiving in his office a delegation of the state branch of NECO led by its State Officer, Alhaji Ibrahim Umar, said the state government sees education as its top priority, especially foundation education, since its inception in 2015, and has invested its meager resources heavily in that sector

He maintained that the introduction of prequalification examination for candidates wishing to access its scholarship and sitting of the public examination is to ensure that only those qualified are enlisted

While frowning at the misinterpretation of the introduction of the pre-qualification examination by parents, the SGS, however, noted the remarkable improvement in the performance of the students from the state in public examinations and assured that government will continue to provide an enabling environment for education to thrive in the state

He said: “Performance of our students in public examinations are not only getting better, but with quality results. As an examination body you must uphold the integrity of the process and ensure exam malpractices free exercise”.

Earlier, the State Officer of NECO, Alhaji Umar told the SGS that they were in his office to thank the state government for promptly paying the examination fee of its student and to appreciate the existing cordial relationship between NECO and the state Government

He further disclosed that staff recruitment for the state branch of NECO reflected all the 34 local Government areas of the state.

He also appreciated the land donated by the government for the building of NECO office in the state and that they will continue to seek the assistance of the state government in future

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