Nasarawa to commence implementation of New minimum wage

Nasarawa State Governor, Abdullahi Sule

Nasarawa State Governor, Abdullahi Sule, has promised to commence the process for the implementation of the N30,000 minimum wage in the state.

The governor gave the promise at a two-day retreat for political appointees in the state on Wednesday in Akwanga, Akwanga Local Government Area of the state.

According to him, now that agreement has been reached on the consequential adjustment for workers on grade levels 7 to 17, the state will soon commence the process for the implementation.

Sule said he had sworn to obey law as a governor, adding that the ‘N30,000 minimum wage is a law in the country that must be obeyed.

“We will engage the organised labour in the state on the consequential adjustment for levels 7 to 17 civil servants as soon as we get the temple from the relevant organs of the Federal Government.

“But the adjustment will be determined by our allocation from the Federation Account and accrual from the Internally Generated Revenue (IGR).

“We would be very open to the unions and the public in our transaction so that together we would agree on the adjustment base on our financial capacity,’’ Sule stated.

The governor also promised to be transparent in running the state and assured that he would deliver on his campaign promises.

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