Sow good seeds, Banigo urges Christians

Rivers State Deputy Governor, Dr. Mrs. Ipalibo Harry Banigo

Rivers State Deputy Governor, Dr. Mrs. Ipalibo Harry Banigo has advised Christians to continue to sow good seeds in order to reap good fruits.

Dr. Banigo stated this while delivering a sermon as the Guest Speaker at the 2019 Adult Harvest Thanksgiving Service of St Philip’s Anglican Church, Bonny Archdeaconry, Marine Base in Port Harcourt, on Sunday 10th November, 2019.

Speaking on the Theme “We Reap in Kind What We Sow” drawn from Galatians Chapter 6:7-9, Dr. Banigo said our actions and in actions have consequences, noting that fornication, adultery, Idolatry, drunkenness, extortion and stealing are negative seeds that leads to destruction.

The Deputy Governor who advised young people and adults to be wary of those who would attempt to hood wink them into joining clandestine organizations with false promises of a better life, stressed that those who sow this seed will not inherit the kingdom of God.

According to the Deputy Governor the sin of sexual immorality, like fornication and adultery is abominable because it has to do with soul tie.

“You are tying your soul with that of another person, you do not know if the person is on his or her way to hell and you are following such a person, do not be deceived hell is real but it is not for you all these are seeds”. She further stressed.

Dr. Banigo urged Christians to ensure that their mouths are always used to sow good seeds by speaking positive things into their lives and the lives of others around them no matter the circumstance, noting that God is not mocked whatever a man sows he will reap.

The Chairman of the Harvest Committee, Elder Daju Atamuno had earlier expressed the need for Christians to invest in the kingdom of God to attract God’s blessings.

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