Katsina to pay N30, 000 plus minimum wage

The Katsina State Government and the state branch of the Nigerian Labour Congress, NLC, late Tuesday, December 31, 2019, reached an agreement on the payment of the new national minimum wage alongside its consequential adjustments on commencement date of January, 2020

The Chairman of the Negotiating Committee on the new national minimum wage who is also Secretary to the Government of Katsina State, Dr Mustapha Mohammed Inuwa, while announcing the signing of the agreement between the State Government and the NLC led by its state Chairman, Comrade Hussain Hamisu, said the signing of the new wage agreement was sequel to an intensive 3-day negotiation between the parties concerned

He said, “sequel to a fruitful negotiation on the new national minimum wage and consequential adjustments of workers’ salaries for both State, local Governments and local education authority, the State Government’s negotiating team and the Katsina State Joint Negotiation Council led by state’s NLC chairman, have reached an agreement for the implementation of the N30, 000 new minimum wage and the consequential adjustment of salaries’’

Some of the highlights of the new wage agreements include the percentage increments on salaries from grade level 01to 06 ranging from 60% down to 32.63% ,while worker on grade level 07 to 09 ranging from 13.2% down to 10%,those on levels 10 to 17 have their percentage adjustments ranging from 8% down to 4%

Other highlights include the raising of a committee involving labour, to partner state government in rejuvenating revenue drive, improve efficiency and productivity in the local Government as well as instil the culture of hard work and productivity amongst the workers.

Also while reacting to the signing of the wage agreement, the state NLC Chairman; Comrade Hussaini Hamisu commended the State Government and members of the negotiating committee for a job well done

He further disclosed that the union welcomed the new wage agreements in good faith bearing in mind that as citizens of the state, the workers have contributory role to play in the overall development of the state

He said, “today, we thank God, we have agreed and we have signed that agreement. we looked at all the indices provided and also considered the realities on ground and are convinced beyond reasonable doubt that we must work towards the growth and development of the state’’

“We appreciate our Governor and call on all workers in the state to take this new minimum wage and wage adjustments in good faith’’

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