Crisis between Oluwo, other monarchs avoidable, says board

The apex decision-making body in Iwoland, the Iwo Board of Trustees, comprising Iwo elders, has said the altercation between the Oluwo of Iwo, Oba Abdul-Rasheed Adewale Akanbi and the Agbowu of Ogbaagbaa, Oba Sikiru Akinropo, is avoidable.

Rising from a meeting to review the fallout of the peace meeting involving the Oluwo and the monarchs in Ayedire and Ola-Oluwa council areas, the association issued a statement by its Chairman, Dr. Oluremi Atanda and Secretary, Alhaji Tayo Giwa, praising the state government’s prompt intervention in the matter.

The body appealed to Governor Gboyega Oyetola to investigate the remote causes of the crisis in order to resolve it.

The Iwo Board of Trustees enjoined the state Council of Obas to intervene in the matter and address the issues associated with the crisis, to ensure it is resolved in time.

It called for restraints from the two warring parties and prayed for peace, understanding and development in Iwoland, Osun State and Nigeria.

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