Edo CP Commends EFCC

The Edo State Commissioner of Police, CP Ogbadu P. Aliyu has commended the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission for its fight against economic and financial crimes in the country.

Mr. Aliyu who was recently deployed to Edo State, stated this when he paid a courtesy visit to the Benin Zonal Office of the EFCC on Tuesday March 9, 2021.

According to him, the visit was part of his familarization tour of the state, to enhance the co-operation and partnership that exist between the Nigeria Police and EFCC. “This courtesy call is to synergise, co-operate and seek for a good working relationship and sharing of information”, he said.

Responding, EFCC Zonal Head, Benin , Muhtar .S. Bello, thanked Aliyu for the visit and the Nigeria Police Force for its support and contribution to the EFCC in discharging its duties. “We appreciate the Nigeria Police for the support and contribution it has rendered to the EFCC in discharging it duties over the years. We are grateful,” he said.

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