PDP Condemns Murder of Senator Suswam’s Brother

…Charges Security Forces to Go After the Killers

The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) has condemned the murder of the elder bother of Senator Gabriel Suswam, Dr. Terkula Suswam, by suspected gunmen and called on security agencies to go after and apprehend the killers.

The party charged the Inspector General of Police to swing into action, unearth all those connected to the dastardly act and ensure that none of those involved escaped the long arm of the law.

The PDP described Dr. Suswam as a brilliant academician, who was contributing to the development of his state adding that his killers cannot justify their act under any guise. 

“Our party condoles with Benue state Governor, Samuel Ortom, Senator Gabriel Suswam and the entire Suswam family and prayed God to grant the Suswan family the grace to bear the loss”, PDP said.

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