Governor Ganduje, APC moves to stop Tinubu campaigner Abdulmumin Jibrin’s defection

Governor Abdullahi Ganduje of Kano State has taken steps to stop the defection of Abdulmumin Jibrin, a prominent campaigner for the All Progressives Congress’ presidential aspirant, Bola Tinubu.

This was contained in a statement titled, ‘Ganduje wades into Kiru/Bebeji contest crisis’ by the Chairman of APC in Kano State, Abdullahi Abbas, on Sunday.
Jibrin had on Saturday announced his exit from the ruling APC, saying that he would announce his new political party soon.
The statement read, “Governor Abdullahi Umar Ganduje of Kano state has directed the state secretariat of the All Progressives Congress to immediately take measures for the amicable resolution of the internal differences arising from interested parties seeking nomination to contest election into the Kiru/Bebeji federal constituency.
“To this end, the party secretariat has complied and summoned a stakeholder meeting to discuss the situation in the constituency.
“An invitation has been sent to all the aspiring candidates for the position.
“Abdulmumin Jibrin Kofa has already accepted the proposal and readiness to attend the meeting.
“Abbas called on the parties to remain calm and cooperate with the party with a view to resolving the internal crisis and further assured that the meeting would come up with a position acceptable to all the aspirants.”

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