Reps Minority Caucus Seeks Speedy Resolution Of ASUU Strike

The Minority Caucus in the House of Representatives has felicitated Nigerians on the Workers’ Day celebration, seeking a speedy resolution of the industrial action embarked upon by the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU).

In a statement issued on Sunday, the Minority Leader of the House, Hon. Ndudi Elumelu asked the Federal Government to urgently intervene and meet the demands of the Nigerian workers.
“The Caucus also urges the Federal Government and all stakeholders to urgently resolve the issues surrounding the lingering industrial action by lecturers in public universities in the country,” the statement partly read.
“The Minority Caucus further charges the Federal Government to initiate more worker-friendly policies for capacity building as well as incentives to further enhance the productivity of the Nigerian workers.
“On our part, our caucus assures that we will continue to initiate and give legislative backing to efforts tailored toward improving the welfare and productivity of the workers.”
The Caucus also lamented that Nigerian workers are observing the day in pain, agony, and despair given the suffocating working condition and general economic hardship occasioned by the insensitive, corrupt, and overtly inept All Progressives Congress (APC) administration.
The Minority Caucus insisted that given their long-standing patriotism, sacrifices, and dedication to the development of our nation in spite of the odds, Nigerian workers deserve a better welfare package.
Sunday’s statement followed the industrial action declared by ASUU on February 14. Following the expiration of the four-week warning strike on March 14, the university lecturers extended the action by two months. The situation has forced many Nigerian students to remain at home.
The union led by Professor Emmanuel Osodeke said it extended the strike to give the Federal Government and its agencies enough time to meet the lingering demands of the union.

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