Tufan Erhürman reacts to municipalities reform

CTP Chairman Tufan Erhürman underlined that the law change called “Municipalities reform” is not a reform and said, “Unfortunately, this will end in court.”

President of the Republican Turkish Party (CTP)Tufan Erhürman, replied to the statements of Prime Minister Ünal Üstel that “We will pass the municipal reform law in the Parliament on Wednesday”.

Minister of Public Works and Transport Erhan Arıklı’s, pointing to statement that what is wanted to be done is not reform. Erhürman said, “yes, this is not a reform! It will not reform local governments in our country. On the contrary, it will deform them. It will make those who do business not do it, and those who don’t sink will be unable to swim! No one will be able to get out of the mess that has been created. We will publicly voice all of these once in the Parliament,” he said.

Emphasizing that the attitude of “I can do it” should be reversed, Erhürman said, “Otherwise, unfortunately, this will end in court!” said.

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