Drunk driver arrested for traffic accident, victim sustains serious injuries

In the traffic accident that occurred in Gonyeli, the drunk driver hit the taxi driver who was arguing with his customers on the road.

The 19-year-old taxi driver was taken to the intensive care unit with serious injuries.

The incident occurred as a result of the 24-year-old AJO driving fast and carelessly in a ZMY 147 plate vehicle with 93 milligrams of alcohol on Atatürk Caddesi in Gönyeli at around 03:30.

When the drunk driver came in front of Kolan Hospital, he hit 19-year-old Ozan Polat, the taxi driver who was on foot and was arguing with his customers on the road. 

Ozan Polat, who was seriously injured as a result of the accident was taken to Dr. Burhan Nalbantoğlu State Hospital Nicosia. After the operation, he was observed in the intensive care unit.

While the driver of the vehicle with license plate ZMY 147, AJO, was arrested, it was stated that the police investigation into the incident continues. 

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