Gather all parties for reconciliation – Chamber of Commerce tells Ünal Üstel

KTTO appealed to Ünal Üstel, who was appointed as the Prime Minister regarding the zoning problem in Famagusta – Iskele – Yeniboğaziçi, and suggested “to gather all parties around a table and seek ways of reconciliation”.

The Turkish Cypriot Chamber of Commerce (KTTO) made a written statement on the zoning problem in Famagusta – Iskele – Yeniboğaziçi and suggested to Ünal Üstel, who was appointed as the Prime Minister, “to gather all parties around a table and seek ways of reconciliation”.

In the statement, it was stated that the zoning plan studies, which have been going on for four years, could not be finalized and the planned development of the region was put under pressure by the orders “meaning prohibiting the development activities”, and at the end of the day, the problem was rendered inextricable by court decisions. 

“The TRNC states that every work or decision is taken to the court; “Even if we foresee the way out of this as ‘reconciliation’, we want to emphasize that reconciliation can only be achieved with ‘respect for law and different views’,” the statement said.

In the statement, which states that thousands of residences in the said regions were sold before the permit processes were fully finalized, the statement said, “Continuing this chaos will not result in anything other than exacerbating the problems, our country will have lost another potential in this way.” 

Finally, the statement said, “Our proposal at this stage would be for Prime Minister Ünal Ustel to gather all relevant parties around a table and seek ways of reconciliation.”

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