Suspect arrested for serious assault arraigned

The person whose initials M.U was arrested on the grounds that he battered U.D.

The police stated that U.D’s right hand finger was broken, and the suspect was arrested.

The suspect, who was brought to court on charges of “grave damage” and “serious assault”, will be detained for 3 days.

Police officer Doğukan Can, who gave sworn testimony in court, gave information about the incident in court. The police stated that the suspect M.U, who was present, was accused of “grave damage” and “serious battering” crimes that occurred in Nicosia.

On Sunday September 11, at 10:30 am, a resident M.U in Nicosia, near the business named Levent Börek operating on Bedrettin Demirel street, a public place in Nicosia, battered Ubeyd Demir’s body in Nicosia as a result of an argument over the parking lot.

He stated that after hitting various parts with his hands and dropping him to the ground, M.U inflicted grave and bodily harm on his right hand by stepping on the right hand of Ubeyd Demir, causing the pinky finger of his right hand to break.

The police said that on the same day, M.U was arrested pursuant to a pending order obtained from the Nicosia District Court.

Can stated that the investigation regarding the issue has just started and that there are many camera images that need to be examined and statements that need to be taken.

The police demanded that the suspect be kept in police custody for 3 days so that the investigation could be carried out safely, since it is highly likely that it will affect the investigation if the suspect is released.

Judge Hazal Hacımulla, evaluating the testimony given in his presence, ordered the suspect to be detained for 3 days.

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