Buhari mourns Anambra boat mishap victims

President Buhari presents 2023 Draft Appropriation Bill to the National Assembly on 7th Oct 2022

President Muhammadu Buhari has expressed sadness over the Anambra boat mishap, condoling with the families of the victims and also directing more rescue relief agencies to “rush to the site of the accident”.

In a statement by his media aide Garba Shehu, the Nigerian leader noted the efforts of the Nigerian Inland Waterways Authority (NIWA) and the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) who “have embarked on rescue and recovery missions expeditiously”.

“As more details are awaited, the President has directed all other rescue and relief agencies to rush to the site of the accident.

“He also directed the relevant agencies of government to check the safety protocols on these transport ferries to make sure such incidents are avoided in the future,” the statement read.

“I pray for the repose of the souls of the deceased and for everyone’s safety, as well as the well-being of the family members of the victims of this tragic accident,” the President was quoted as saying.

The incident happened when a boat reportedly carrying 85 persons capsized following rising floods in the Ogbaru area of the state. Emergency agencies confirmed a death toll of 76.

In the same vein, a former Anambra State governor Willie Obiano has condoled the families of the victims and “expressed his condolences to Anambra State Governor, Professor Charles Chukwuma Soludo” over the incident.

‘’I sympathise with the Government and families of the victims of the accident. This incident has added to the ugly situation following the huge deadly flooding that has displaced people from their homelands, washing away houses and farmlands,” Tony Nezianya, Publicist Obiano, quoted his principal as saying.

“The flooding has also wreaked havoc in Anambra East and West, Ayamelum as well as Ogbaru areas of the state.

“I have been informed that many have died as a result of displacements by the raging floodwaters, as well as farmlands, that have been washed away. I urge the Government to take steps to tackle the emergency head-on.

“I call on the Federal Government to offer leadership at this point to mitigate the disaster by ensuring the speedy release of ecological funds in supporting the state in tackling the emergency. Diligent intervention by all stakeholders will no doubt reduce the burden imposed by this disaster, while deliberate efforts must begin in the implementation of a permanent solution to the disaster.

“It is climate change that has now combined to worsen this yearly disaster. I share the grief of the victims of the emergency, who should endeavour to follow the Government’s wise counsel to evacuate to safety until the floodwaters recede.

“May we remember in our prayers all those that have so far died as a result of the flooding ravaging our state over the past couple of weeks.’’

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