Losing weight with hunger is not the solution – Dietitians Association

Cyprus Turkish Dietetic Association (KTDB) emphasized that losing weight with hunger is not the solution and said, “If you do not want to gain weight faster in the future, do not try to lose weight by being hungry!”

Hidayet Ağören, President of the Cyprus Turkish Dietetic Association (KTDB), drew attention to the uncontrolled use of trying to lose weight by starving or using the so-called interval diet, and noted that these diets, which are in high demand, can cause developmental disorders, especially in adolescents and young children. Ağören emphasized that it will adversely affect the immune system and cause many more health problems.

Ağören said, “Although there is an intense mass in the health community that supports this type of diet, it is a fact that these diets have advantages in some cases and diseases under the control of physicians and dietitians, as well as disadvantages in many people.”

Hidayet Ağören emphasized that it is extremely important to lose a healthy weight and that gaining a behavioral change is the main success factor in this business.

Noting that rapid weight loss is temporary and will slow down the metabolism, Ağören stated that the ideal weight loss is 500 gr, maximum 1 kg per week, and that rapid weight loss can cause many health problems in adults as well.

Ağören, “Do not be fooled by people who try to endanger people’s health for the sake of making money, no matter what profession they belong to.”

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