We need to secure northern Cyprus from all sides – Erdogan

Erdogan made statements about the embargo and weapons decision taken by the USA for the Greek Cypriot part of southern Cyprus. “Our first job is to place UAVs and SİHAs in Northern Cyprus. Currently, our UAVs and SİHAs are there. We need to secure Northern Cyprus from all sides and in all aspects,” Erdogan said.

President of the Republic of Turkey, Erdogan, on his return from his visit to Czechia, made statements on the plane about the lifting of the arms embargo by the USA on southern Cyprus.

Pointing to the lifting of the arms embargo, Erdoğan said, “Our UAVs and SİHAs are there when no one thinks, and similar things can happen again in the subject we are talking about. It’s right to have this. We need to secure Northern Cyprus from all sides, in every aspect.”

In the event of an extraordinary situation in the country, Erdogan said, “As soon as our planes take off, they are already in Northern Cyprus, there is no problem there either.”

Stating that the President of the Greek Cypriot Administration, Nikos Anastasiades, wanted to meet with him, Erdoğan noted that Anastasiades brought someone in to meet him.

Erdogan said to Anastasiades, “President, you are already leaving now. I said he’s leaving in two months. At a time like this, they are not talked about. Also, I said, you always get an instruction from somewhere. With these instructions, these things won’t work anyway. Therefore, it is not possible to go down into the well with their rope. Otherwise, you will stay in the well,” he said.

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