I’ll quit campaigns if anybody can prove I accepted land gift as Anambra Governor, says Peter Obi

Peter Obi stated this on Friday at the palace of the Oba of Benin, Oba Ewuare II, in Edo State

The presidential candidate of the Labour Party (LP), Peter Obi says he will quit campaigns for the 2023 general elections if anyone can prove that he accepted land gift as governor of Anambra State.

The 61-year-old former governor stated this on Friday at the palace of the Oba of Benin, Oba Ewuare II, in Edo State.

The LP presidential flag bearer visited the revered Benin monarch when he and his team stormed Edo for campaigns ahead of next February’s polls.

Receiving the politician in his palace, Oba Ewuare II used the opportunity to clarify a viral document where Obi rejected land allocation from the Anambra State Government while he was a serving governor.

“Your Excellency, somebody show me a letter where land was given to you in your state and you politely returned it that you don’t need it; that you are there to serve and so on. Correct?” the first-class monarch asked.

“Very correct,” Obi responded.

“If anybody sees a piece of land allotted to me, my wife, any of my family members, directly or indirectly when I was governor, I will stop campaigning,” the LP presidential candidate noted.

Obi’s two-term intermittent tenure as governor of Anambra between 2006 and 2014 was marred with legal battles up to the Supreme Court.

Obi was the running mate to Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) presidential candidate, Atiku Abubakar in the 2019 general elections.

He, however, dumped the party early 2022 and joined the LP where he clinched the party’s 2023 presidential ticket.

The ex-governor is in the 2023 race for Aso Rock alongside Atiku, Bola Tinubu of the All Progressives Congress, amongst others.

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