Nigeria in dire need of transformative leadership, says Peter Obi

Former governor of Anambra State and Presidential Candidate of the Labour Party, Mr Peter Obi

Former governor of Anambra State and Presidential Candidate of the Labour Party, Mr Peter Obi, has reiterated that Nigeria at the moment is in dire need of a leadership that will transform the nation.

According to Mr Obi, this is the exact kind of leadership that he and his running mate – Senator Yusuf Datti Baba-Ahmed, will avail Nigerians if elected in the forthcoming election.

“Nigeria is badly in need of a reformative leadership. Bad leadership has hurt us deeply, damaged our psyche and diminished our potentials and dreams.

“Ultimately, the overall goal of the Obi-Datti administration will be to streamline governance, make it more responsive, transformative, effective, less transactional and therefore, efficient and cost-effective,” Obi stated via his official Facebook page on Sunday.

In his opinion, the desire to take Nigeria back is nearly unanimous.

“We may be used to the old order; but we cannot vote for continuity of corruption, recklessness, impunity and poverty. Deprivation is not habit forming. Nigerians desire a better life.

“We can no longer gamble with our fate and future. I’m running for president because, I am qualified, I have the capacity, credibility, commitment, stamina, governance experience, and track record. More importantly, Nigerians can trust me.

“There is Nigeria; But there are no Nigerians. Currently, Nigeria works for a small minority of people; Nigeria must work for ALL Nigerians”.

Mr Obi further asserted that Nigerians must be able to dwell securely and in safety wherever they live, adding that this is the first duty of government.

“This makes security a top priority for me,” he buttressed.

Meanwhile, the former governor has called on the Labour Party Faithfuls, especially candidates at all levels, including my supporters, to desist from name calling or derogating anyone, groups of persons or religions.

In an earlier post on social media, the LP Flagbearer stated that Nigeria has very huge problems and is currently at risk of implosion from economic hardship and insecurity, therefore, the focus should be on how to deal with deleterious consequences of a tanking economy, pervasive insecurity, and the many challenges that the nation is contending with, rather than degenerating into name calling.

“Specifically, during our recent campaign in Benue, a candidate referred to the Governor of Benue State, Dr. Samuel Ortom, as a “deceit.” That is totally unacceptable to us.

“The Governor of Benue State, Samuel Ortom, remain a very patriotic Nigerian, who has always spoken for the best interest of his people and Nigeria in general.

“We all have our shortcomings, I have mine, and so do others. But, we should not refer to people in such derogatory manner.

“We must continue to focus on running an issue-based campaign, and unite with everyone to build a new and better Nigeria,” Mr Obi maintained.

He wished all candidates, including himself, well in the forthcoming elections.

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