Peter Obi takes campaign to Kogi, promises to increase minimum wage

Peter Obi made the promise during a campaign rally in Lokoja, Kogi State

The presidential candidate of the Labour Party (LP) Peter Obi has promised to increase the minimum wage and prioritise production over consumption.

He made the promise during a campaign rally in Lokoja, Kogi State, on Tuesday, saying the current minimum wage is unstainable.

“We want to make sure that we would remove Nigeria from consumption to production. When the TUC former president was talking to you, he told you about minimum wage. We will ensure that those who are being owed, we would work with state and local governments to clear their outstanding,” he said at the Confluence Stadium in the Kogi State capital.

“We would make sure that we will work with them and when we start production, we would start thinking of how to increase the minimum wage.”

The former Anambra State governor also said if elected, his government will tackle insecurity in the country.

“What we are going to do: the number one job is to secure Nigeria. We want to make Nigeria safe. We want to be able to unite Nigeria,” the Labour Party flagbearer added.

While lamenting the disunity in the country, Obi plans to change the narrative.

“Nigerians today are not living as a family. We want to bring the family back and secure Nigeria,” Obi told the gathering, promising also to ensure the rule of law is maintained in Nigeria.

“We want to make sure that in Nigeria, there is the rule of law; that you are not harassed. Nobody would harass you and do what is wrong to you. If there is anything, we would go by the rule of law.”

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