DSS Nabs Suspects Transporting Weapons For Planned Attack In Northern State

Items recovered by DSS

The Department of State Services (DSS) has confirmed the arrest of two gunmen in Kano State allegedly transporting arms for a planned attack in a northern state.

The DSS’ Public Relations Officer, Peter Afunanya, in a statement late Thursday night, said the suspects were in possession of two AK-47 assault rifles, two empty AK-47 magazines, a red Boxer motorcycle, and a sack of yams in which the guns were concealed.

“The suspects were on transit to deliver the arms for a planned attack in one of the States in Northern Nigeria,” the statement read.

“This development underscores the need for citizens to be extra vigilant and report any unusual or suspicious movements, persons or acts to the security agencies nearest to them.

“Operators and patrons of fun, hospitality and tourism centres are enjoined to be cautious during the festive periods. They should scale up measures to ensure safety of their facilities.”

Read the full statement below:


The Department of State Services (DSS) hereby informs the public that it has arrested two gunmen in Kano today, 20th April, 2023. Items seized from the duo are:
Two (2) AK-47 assault rifles;
Two (2) Empty AK47 Magazines;
A red boxer motor cycle;
A sack of yams in which the guns were concealed.
See attached pictures:

The suspects were on transit to deliver the arms for a planned attack in one of the States in Northern Nigeria. This development underscores the need for citizens to be extra vigilant and report any unusual or suspicious movements, persons or acts to the security agencies nearest to them. Operators and patrons of fun, hospitality and tourism centres are enjoined to be cautious during the festive periods. They should scale up measures to ensure safety of their facilities.
However, the Service wishes the Muslim faithful, peaceful and joyous Eid al-fitr celebrations. It pledges to work with sister agencies and other stakeholders to emplace adequate security during and after the events.

Peter Afunanya Ph.D, fsi
Public Relations Officer
Department of State Services
National Headquarters
20th April, 2023

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