Peter Obi Not Interested In A Merger Seeking Only Power, Says Tanko

Peter Obi is one of the leading presidential candidates for 2023

Yunusa Tanko emphasized that Peter Obi is focused on collaborating in a merger that aims to improve Nigeria’s overall functioning, rather than solely seeking political power.

Tanko, who serves as the Chief Spokesperson of Obi-Datti and Director of Media for the Labour Party (LP), highlighted Obi’s priorities during an appearance on Monday’s edition of Channels Television’s Politics Today.

Tanko stated that Obi is committed to a merger driven by ideology and a clear program aimed at addressing key issues such as poverty alleviation, healthcare improvement, access to clean water, and solving the power supply challenge. However, he clarified that Obi is not interested in a merger solely for the sake of gaining power.

According to Tanko, any potential merger involving Obi would undergo careful scrutiny to ensure alignment of values and objectives.

Regarding speculation about a merger between Obi and other political leaders, Tanko explained that while Obi has engaged in discussions with various stakeholders, including former Vice President Atiku of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), the possibility of a merger between them remains uncertain.

Tajudeen Yusuf, a former member of the House of Representatives, echoed similar sentiments, expressing skepticism about a potential merger between Obi and Atiku. Yusuf cited Atiku’s recent statement affirming his intention to continue contesting presidential elections as a sign that both men may prefer to run independently in 2027.

Yusuf’s analysis suggests that despite past collaborations, the likelihood of Obi and Atiku forming a merger for the upcoming elections appears low, given their individual ambitions and priorities.

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