“Never imagined it”: Prominent Bangladeshi politician shocked by son’s role in Dhaka terror attack

A prominent Bangladeshi politician has spoken of his shock on discovering his
son was one of the suspected gunmen who murdered foreign hostages at the Holey Artisan Bakery , in Dhaka.
Imtiaz Khan Babul said he was shocked to learn of his son Rohan’s
involvement in the attack, and that he believed young Bangladeshi men
were becoming radicalised online as many from wealthy and educated families had gone missing
His comments came after Bangladesh’s home minister said the attackers
who stormed the upmarket cafe night, taking dozens of diners
hostage and killing 20, were highly educated and from wealthy families.
“We never imagined this,” said Mr Babul, an official with the
ruling Awami League party, in an interview with the BBC.”There was
nothing at home, no books or anything to indicate that he was leaning
that way. So we had no inkling.”
Mr Babul, whose son was among those killed when Bangladeshi security
forces stormed the cafe, said he had shared his concerns with friends in
“When I was searching for my son I found that many other boys are
missing. Well-educated boys from good, educated families, children of
professionals, government officers. I used to share my sorrows with them. We do not know how this is happening.”
Six young men were shot dead at the end of the all-night
siege in a Dhaka cafe claimed by Daesh (IS). One was taken alive and is
being questioned.
One of those killed may have been an innocent bystander, but among
the remaining five are a graduate of Bangladesh’s leading private
university, an 18-year-old student at an elite school, and Rohan, Mr
Babul’s son.
Another was a former madrasa student from the northern district of
Bogra which is seen as a hotbed of radicalism. The government has said
all the attackers were members of the
Jamaeytul Mujahdeen Bangladesh (JMB), a banned local radical group.
reportedly studied at Monash University in Malaysia after leaving
Scholastica, where his mother teaches. Mr Babul said he could only guess
at how wealthy young Bangladeshis
were becoming radicalised, but that believed it could be through the
, police said they had identified a fifth attacker as
Shafiqul Islam Uzzal, a 26-year-old from Bogra who had been working as a
kindergarten teacher in Dhaka.
“His father and brother identified him by seeing the photos of his
dead body. They said they had no idea how he joined the JMB,” Bogra
police spokesman Gaziur Rahman told AFP.
“They said Uzzal left home on , saying that he was going to a pilgrimage. And he never returned,” said Mr Rahman.

Source: BBC/AFP

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