U.S. urges citizens to reconsider Burkina Faso travel “due to terrorism”

Policemen secure the municipal stadium where an emergency medical post was established, after a coordinated assault on the army headquarters and French embassy in the capital Ougadougou, Burkina Faso March 2, 2018. REUTERS/Anne Mimault

The U.S. State Department urged Americans on Friday to reconsider travel to Burkina Faso because of terrorism.

“Terrorist groups continue plotting attacks in Burkina Faso. Terrorists may conduct attacks anywhere with little or no warning. Targets could include hotels, restaurants, police stations, customs offices, military posts, and schools,” it said in a travel advisory.

Attackers in the West African country’s capital of Ouagadougou killed seven people and wounded about 50 others in a coordinated assault on Friday against the army headquarters and the French embassy.

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