Anambra police arrest four IPOB members

The Anambra State Police Command, has arrested four suspected members of the proscribed Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) for disobedience.

In a statement yesterday, the police through the state Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO) Princess Nkeiruka Nwode, said the group remained a terrorist group. According to Nwode, items recovered from the four included, Biafra flags, two metal gongs, four motorcycles, one Suzuki bus among other things.

“Following the declaration of IPOB as a terror organisation by the Federal Government on 20th September, 2017, and as part of the concerted efforts of the Anambra State Police Command to rid the state of criminal elements, the command today arrested four members of the group,while other members of the proscribed group fled to unknown destination.

“The arrested persons confessed to be members of the IPOB and will be charged to court for prosecution.

“The Anambra State Police Command condemns in the strongest term the heinous and the cowardly activities by this group and still calls on the members of the public to avoid associating themselves with such group as anybody caught will face a maximum jail term in accordance to the law”

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