Delta Police confirm lynching of two armed robbery suspects by mob

The Delta State Police Command has confirmed the killing of two suspected armed robbers at Ikomi Street, Otovwodo-Agbassa community in Warri, on Wednesday by an angry mob.

Commissioner of Police, Mr. Adeyinka Adeleke, who confirmed the development, he told newsmen that the yet-to-be identified victims were “lynched” by an angry mob before his men could get a hold of the situation.

He said, “They were lynched before the police could get to them. They were suspected robbers because arms were recovered from their bodies.”

However, sources around the scene of the incident claimed that the two men were cultists.

It was gathered that the suspected street cultists had shot several times at a young male dry cleaner at a nearby street, Ometan. Their victim was said to have survived the attack, but sustained some injuries on his arms.

Angered by the audacity of the suspects to carry out such an attack in broad daylight, the mob pursued the duo as they ran off.

They reportedly caught the suspected cultists in a private primary school at Ikomi Street where they (cultists) had forcefully taken refuge, despite the unwilling cooperation of the management.

Reports said that the hoodlums had allegedly threatened to shoot the pupils of the school should they reveal their hideout to the chasing mob.

Undeterred by the threat, one of the female teachers called out to the mob, who, without hesitation, pulled them out, rained beatings on and killed them in the presence of some policemen patrolling the area.

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