Buhari mourns first NDA Cadet, Col Paul Ogbebor

It’s the end of a life well spent, with footprints indelibly printed in the sands of time, says President Muhammadu Buhari of Col. Paul Ogbebor (Retd), who passed on at 80.

The President recalled that Col Ogbebor was the first cadet to enroll at the Nigerian Defence Academy (NDA), and pursued an illustrious military career, during which he emerged a hero of the Nigerian Civil War.

President Buhari saluted the community spirit of the departed, who was in the vanguard of the socio-cultural group, Edo Leaders of Thought, and chieftain of the Pan Niger Delta Forum (PANDEF).

The late Col Ogbebor had documented his professional life through a book, Nigerian Defence Academy: A Pioneer Cadet’s Memoir, which the President says is one of the vital resource materials on the pioneer military training institution in the country.

He commiserated with the family, friends and professional colleagues of the departed, urging them to take solace in the fact that Col Ogbebor lived a distinguished life, signposted by many achievements.

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