I tested negative for COVID-19, says Garba Shehu

Presidential Spokesman, Mallam Garba Shehu, said he has tested negative to the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19).

In thread of tweets on Tweeter handle, @GarShehu Saturday evening, Shehu said he was coming out with his status to ease fears of those who had had contacts with him in recent times.

He acknowledged the fact that fake news purveyors had in the past few days taken advantage of his silence on his status to peddle all manners of falsehood a out him.

Despite his negative status, however he said he would continue to maintain self-isolation, advising all others to continue doing the same.

“I think it is only fair that I ease the fears of my friends and relations with whom I made recent contacts about the coronavirus. Fake news media had said all sorts of rubbish about me and the President I work for.

“My test proved negative for the virus. Alhamdu Lillah! Notwithstanding, I advise everyone that we continue the isolation and work from home,” his tweets read

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