By Ezeafurukwe Paul Ihunanya

Before now, the arrival of raining season has always come with fears gripping residents of the beautiful city of Owerri reasons being that

within the “family-rescued” administration, IMO has been submerged into an ecological occurrence of flood. This has always left residents living in fear of the unknown.

Every little rain was a nightmare to residents and passersby. You dare not drive along roads unknown for fear of sinking into a ditch. You dare not travel to the village during raining season except by foot. Businesses suffered, individuals suffered, my brand new vehicle spent three months at the mechanics just because I made the mistake of travelling to the village during one of the raining season. 

The story is still fresh, the story cannot be completely narrated, the story lives with us but, the story has become history with the emergence of Distinguished Senator Hope Uzodimma as the Executive Governor of Imo State.

Upon resumption of office, the Governor swung into action with serious inputs to swiftly arrest the flood situation in the state. The broken and abandoned erosion control system existing in the state was identified, immediate remedial action taken while the lasting solution is being constructed. Waterways have been cleared and channeled into the lake nwaebere.

Today, the narratives have changed, Imo has returned and repositioned, appropriately, within the comity of states. The roads are free of floods, Imolites walk confidently like “enyi” to buy roasted corn, as it is our norm, because Uzodimma. Today, the road users are complimenting the Executive Governor of Imo State for adequately and promptly arresting the flood situation in the state. Today, those who purchased boats and canoe for use during the rains have all sold them to our brothers at Nembe Waterside.

Granted, much is expected from the Shared Prosperity administration of His Excellency but, much has been swiftly put under control within these few months in office and of course, much more would be flowing out from the 3R distillation chamber.

The impossible things are gradually becoming possible. Those living around Thomas Moore or Dick tiger will bear witness to these impossibility possible achievement of His Excellency.

The balloon drainage system linking all drainage system in Owerri and terminating into the popular Lake Nwaebere is over 4Km and 10ft wide. Once completed, it will manage all erosion problems in Imo State.

Ndi Imo, together we will build an Imo of Shared Prosperity.

Ezeafurukwe Paul Ihunanya writing from the office of the governor New and Electronic Media Center

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