Francis Agube: How police sergeant’s ‘accidental discharge’ killed colleague while on patrol in Calabar

Tragedy struck again at the Cross River Police Command, when the riffle of a  policeman,  Sergeant  Ubi Arikpo, accidentally went off  and killed his colleague, Sergeant Francis Agube.

A police source at the Atakpa Police Station in Calabar South narrated that the incident took place in front of the station, while the pick-up van carrying the team of policemen  on patrol was passing through the gate of the station.
Last year, over four policemen serving in the command were killed by unknown gunmen, while on night duty at Idundu on the outskirts of Calabar and Obubra.
On the accidental discharge, the source said: “The team was from the State CID unit at the Police  headquarters on Diamond Hill.
“They were on patrol duty and they were passing through  this road (Calabar Road, Watt Market).
“They were driving  from Effigy Roundabout, towards the station. When they got in front of the station Sergeant Ubi wanted to adjust his gun.
“It discharged accidentally and  shot Sergeant  Agube, who was sitting directly opposite him,” he narrated.
According to source, the shot  hit Agube right on his neck shattering his gullet and face, killing him on the spot.
“That spot where they covered with sand on the road  in front of the station was where Agube was pulled to the ground  from the van by the impact of the shot,” he added.
Another source at the Command headquarters said Agube was from Abi Local Government Area, while Arikpo who shot him is from Yakkur Local Government Area.
“Both of them are from Cross River State. Arikpo has been arrested and is on detention here at the headquarters, while Agube’s body is in the mortuary,” he added.
Ms Irene Ugbo, the Cross River Police Command spokesman, when contacted did not provide much information other than.
“The tragedy is being investigated to unravel the cause,” Ugbo said.

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