Common wisdom is not sought with an illegitimate government – Kudret Özersay

HP Chairman Kudret Özersay made a statement on the (Special) Draft Law on the Unification of Municipalities.

Kudret Özersay shared on his social media account, “What happened in the Parliament yesterday about municipalities showed this once again.

No matter how loud you shout, no matter how long you talk, “common wisdom” is not sought with an illegitimate government, “we cannot work together, should not work”!

Here is the description:

We have said that it is not possible to carry out legislative activities for the benefit of the people under the roof of the Parliament with a government that is illegitimate and established by ignoring the will of the people.

We said that as long as you stand there, you will set a stage for the extras of this illegitimacy to play the role given to them, we said that we need to pull that stage out from under them.

The events that happened in the Parliament yesterday about municipalities showed this once again.

No matter how loud you shout or how long you talk, “common wisdom” is not sought with an illegitimate government, “we cannot work together, should not work”!

Otherwise, like yesterday, you will have to reluctantly put up with the first light of the morning.

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