KIBTEK battles legal problem on fuel

The tender, which was made by the Central Tender Commission for the supply and transportation of 200 thousand metric tons of fuel to KIB-TEK, was stuck in a “legal problem” in the words of Halis Üresin, Head of the Central Tender Commission.

Üresin, speaking to YENİDÜZEN about the progress of the tender, in which a total of 6 companies participated after a company was eliminated, stated that he needed a legal opinion on an issue during the evaluation of the bids and requested an opinion from the Chief Prosecutor’s Office.

Üresin said that it would not be ethical for her to provide information about what the issue was, since she requested an opinion from the Chief Prosecutor’s Office, adding that a decision would be made after the opinion is received.

Two companies are left to the end, a difference of 2.5 million dollars between the two offers!

On the other hand, according to the information obtained by YENİDÜZEN from different sources, it was learned that two companies were finalized in the tender.

It was claimed that one firm offered a price of $47 a ton, while another firm offered a ton of $60.

It is also claimed that there is a difference of $ 2.5 million between the two offers.

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