Occupancy rate in hotels increases to 36.8 percent, by Ministry of Tourism

The occupancy rate in hotels rose to 36.8 percent in the first 7 months of the year. In the January-July 2022 period, the rate of accommodation in touristic facilities increased by 801.8 percent on the basis of foreign tourists and 773.5 percent in overnight stays compared to the previous year.

According to the January-July 2022 data of the Ministry of Tourism, hotel occupancy rates have increased. According to the data of the Ministry of Tourism; In the January-July period, the average occupancy rate of touristic facilities in the country rose to 36.8 percent. In the same period of 2021, this figure was 15.8 percent.

In the January-July 2022 period, the rate of accommodation in touristic facilities increased by 801.8 percent on the basis of foreign tourists and 773.5 percent in overnight stays compared to the previous year.

Tourism and Planning Department data shows that the total number of Turkish citizens staying in touristic facilities in the first 7 months of 2022 and the number of other foreign nationals is 478 thousand 815 people. This number was recorded as 53 thousand 94 last year.

According to the data of the Ministry, the number of Turkish citizens staying in hotels in a 7-month period increased by 776.3 percent compared to the same period of 2021 and reached 350 thousand 800. The number of 128 thousand 15 other foreign nationals staying in hotels in the first seven months of 2022 points to an increase of 880.1 percent compared to the same period of the previous year.

In the January-July period of 2022, there was an increase in the number of overnight stays. In this period, the number of overnight stays on the basis of foreign tourists was 1 million 772 thousand 911, an increase of 773 percent compared to the previous year.

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