We won’t do what is comfortable but what is right for Nigerians, says Tinubu

A file photo of APC presidential candidate, Bola Tinubu

The All Progressives Congress (APC) presidential candidate Bola Tinubu has promised that his government will not do what is comfortable but what is right for Nigerians if elected

He said this in a tweet on his official handle, adding that his government won’t “do what is comfortable”.

“We are not here to do what is comfortable. We are here to do what is right for our people and our country,” the former Lagos State governor said on Monday.

Tinubu noted that his presidential ambition is powered by what he described as “the love of Nigeria”, maintaining that such a motive is a “higher calling”.

“We are here to answer to a greater, higher calling. That calling is the love of Nigeria, ” he added. “We dare not miss this chance because we cannot be sure of another.”

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