African national involved in knife attack rearraigned

The suspect L.C.E, who was arrested on charges of “Attempted Murder” and “Grave Injury“, was brought before the court again.

Police sergeant Mustafa Mahan, who reported the incident in the court said, L.C.E attempted to kill 30-year-old P.A.O, who had injured him in the left arm during the verbal argument caused by the use of the internet, at the suspect’s house in Nicosia on September 14, with the knife he had taken from him, by inserting it in his back 3 times, and he was seriously injured.

The police stated that immediately after the incident, the suspect was identified at the scene and arrested as per a court order.

The police explained that the issue is a serious one and the investigation has just begun, and that the health status of the complainant has not yet been clarified.

The police stated that the name of a person who was at the scene and witnessed the incident during the incident has been reached, but the person has not been identified yet.

The police demanded that the suspect be kept in police custody for 7 days, since the issue is a matter of heavy punishment and could adversely affect the investigation if he was released.

The police demanded that the suspect be kept in police custody for 7 days.

Evaluating the testimony given in his presence, Judge Nil Elodie Govsa gave the requested order.

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